Monday, December 19, 2011

Fresh From the Fryer: Painting Gold & "opposite" colors for shading

Welcome, one and all, to my painting and modelling article series "Fresh From the Fryer"! In these articles I will showcase conversions and paintjobs by your's truly, as well as a few items by friends of mine or other such submissions that I feel are worthy (read: cool!). I will also endeavor to explain how I did the conversions, and-when possible-I will include step-by-step instructions. Feel free to use any conversion ideas listed in my articles, but I only ask for one thing in return: show me your work!

This is gonna be a short one, jsut a quick step-by-step on how to get bitchin' gold for your mini's armor and shadows in their robes/capes/whatevers!

Fresh From the Fryer: Kharnversion

Welcome, one and all, to my painting and modelling article series "Fresh From the Fryer"! In these articles I will showcase conversions and paintjobs by your's truly, as well as a few items by friends of mine or other such submissions that I feel are worthy (read: cool!). I will also endeavor to explain how I did the conversions, and-when possible-I will include step-by-step instructions. Feel free to use any conversion ideas listed in my articles, but I only ask for one thing in return: show me your work!

Now, without further adue, let's get on to my take on what's arguably one of the only good HQ choices in the current Chaos Marines codex, Kharn the Betrayer!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Givin' this a shot!

Greetings, everyone! This is all new to me, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes! After being encouraged by the good fellows at Bell of Lost Souls to start giving out more of my conversions, ideas and such, I figured it was high-time to try and get myself in the spotlight for once.

...I'm kinda rambling now I guess, and I suppose a tad nervous. I guess I'll shut up now and share some of my favorite and best works with you guys, give you a taste of what's to come!

Shas'o Nal'da Orpheus Hangar